Directed by Ramin Farzaneh and Parisa Sedaiazar, the film tells the story of a man and a woman, who try to connect the gas to their home in severe winter weather, while their little daughter, Rana, wants her parents to give birth to her.
The best director award in this section went to Nazila Azizi from Afghanistan for her film “Noonn”.
The Baku International Short Film Festival wrapped up Thursday by announcing winners in different categories in the capital of the Azerbaijan Republic.
“Techno, Mama” by Saulius Baradinskas from Lithuania won the Golden Pomegranate for best film in the international competition.
The film follows Nikita who loves to listen to techno music and dreams of going to Berlin to visit the famous club “Berghain”. His mother Irena doesn’t know about her son’s dreams and soon enough their mutual expectations will clash.
Spanish filmmaker Lois Patino’s film was named best documentary.
The film is a dreamlike and spiritual journey through the hypnotic nocturnal universe of Tokyo. Distant lights draw the city. Shining ships arrive with sleeping people and the night turns liquid. The sower of stars wakes them up and they travel through the city, talking about this and that, while saying goodbye to everything.
The award for best animated film was given to “The Egret River” by Taiwanese director Wan-Ling Liu.
Among the tall buildings of the city, the lonely guard Dawei hides a beautiful field that no one knows, and meets an egret there; but the expansion of the city never stops, one day the field is destroyed, the egret escapes without a trace, David begin to see mysterious illusions.
Turan Haste from Turkey was selected as best director for his drama “The Moisture”, while the award for best documentary director was given to Minka Jakerson from Sweden for “Eva and Ramona”.
The best animation director award went to Stephanie Lansaque and Francois Leroy for “The Awakening of the Insects” from France.
“North Pole” by Marija Apcevska from North Macedonia won the special jury prize.