Mirza Ghalib: Legendary poet of the Urdu language

Mirza Ghalib, born on December 27, 1797, in Agra, was a well-known poet in the Persian and Urdu languages. Today, he remains one of the most popular and influential masters of the Urdu language; he is known simply as Ghalib. He remains popular not only in India and Pakistan but also among the diaspora. In his honour, Google is changing its doodle to one portraying him. This is his story: Persian poet A prodigious poet. Mirza Ghalib started writing poetry at the age of 11. His verse is characterised by sadness, the result of an…

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How do you get school pupils interested in poetry by Giancarlo Rinaldi

Glasgow-based performance poet Imogen Stirling has been on that mission in rural south-west Scotland over the past year or so. She admitted there had been an element of subterfuge to her work in and around Wigtown. "I’ve learned that you just can never use the word poetry because that puts people off immediately,” she said. "And, I mean, rightly so to be honest, I had no interest in poetry when I was in school and I didn’t really resonate with the way that it was taught to me at all.…

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Cultures of the World

There are 195 countries this world is made of. These are the marked territories that detach one state from the other. Every country comes with a particular culture. Culture is an introduction of the state and a lot of countries are known for their cultures, their uniqueness, and rare practices as part of their customs. Here is a look at the world’s top 30 cultures that have shaped age-old traditions as we know them. Italy Famous largely for its renaissance art, Italy is a south-central European country with a border that extends…

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